Oops interview questions
Oops interview questions

oops interview questions

How will you read CSV data into an array in NumPy? How will you efficiently load data from a text file? How will you delete the second column and replace the column with a new column value? You are given a numpy array and a new column as inputs. What are the steps to create 1D, 2D and 3D arrays? How are NumPy arrays advantageous over python lists? While importing data from different sources, can the pandas library recognize dates? How will you get the items that are not common to both the given series A and B? Can you get items of series A that are not available in another series B? How will you delete indices, rows and columns from a dataframe?


How to add new column to pandas dataframe? What do you understand by reindexing in pandas? How will you identify and deal with missing values in a dataframe? Can you create a series from the dictionary object in pandas? How will you combine different pandas dataframes? How will you check if a class is a child of another class? Differentiate between new and override modifiers. Is it possible to call parent class without its instance creation? How do you access parent members in the child class?

oops interview questions

How does inheritance work in python? Explain it with an example. What are negative indexes and why are they used?

oops interview questions

Explain split() and join() functions in Python? How are arguments passed by value or by reference in python? What is the use of help() and dir() functions? What is the difference between xrange and range in Python? What is lambda in Python? Why is it used? What are Python namespaces? Why are they used? Python Interview Questions for Experienced.What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists? Explain how can you make a Python Script executable on Unix? What is break, continue and pass in Python? What are global, protected and private attributes in Python? What are the common built-in data types in Python? What are lists and tuples? What is the key difference between the two? What is Python? What are the benefits of using Python Python Interview Questions for Freshers.

Oops interview questions